Partners Research Library

Optimizing Swine Nutrition: Advantages of Including Black Soldier Fly Larvae Ingredients in Swine Diets - PARTNERS' RESEARCH

Source: EnviroFlight

Swine are naturally omnivorous animals with the ability to perform well on a variety of feedstuffs. As a monogastric, readily digestible carbohydrates and high quality proteins are ideal, with plant proteins and cereal grains often providing energy but requiring a focus on balancing dietary amino acids. With a dietary crude protein requirement of 12 - 26%, depending on life stage, and a high requirement for lysine due to its concentration in swine muscle, soybean meal is the most commonly used protein source in swine rations (Kellems & Church, 2002). However, the combination of a growing human population and resource constraints requires the industry to consider the inclusion of novel feed inputs. Black soldier fly larvae-derived ingredients provide sustainable and robust nutritional opportunities for pigs of all life stages. One such solution for swine rations is the inclusion of insect ingredients.

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