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Feedinfo Review Spring 2023 – Animal Diseases

Source: Feedinfo by Expana


African swine fever (ASF) and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) have both caused the deaths of millions and millions of production animals. Both have caused countries to re-evaluate biosecurity and trade in animal products. And both are discussed in-depth in the latest issue of Feedinfo Review.     

The content of this issue, organised around the theme of animal health and disease, includes:  

- A lead feature discussing the big questions on H5N1 HPAI, including the scale of its impacts and the debate around vaccination against bird flu 
- Exclusive interviews:  

- with a Kansas State researcher on the spread of ASF virus in a feed mill environment 
- with the director of the A.L.P.H.A. Plus initiative boosting access to animal health products and services in sub-Saharan Africa 
- with the CEO of the Vietnamese company aiming to be the first to bring ASF vaccines to an international market 
- with Stratégie Grains analysts on harvests, demand and price forecasts for cereals and oilseeds 

And more news and insight, in video and written format.  

Feedinfo Review is free for all to read, thanks to support from: Adisseo France, Chr. Hansen, DSM Animal Nutrition & Health, Evonik Animal Nutrition, Leiber GmbH, and Phileo by Lesaffre.  

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