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Adisseo & Syngenta Pioneer Predictive Model for Mycotoxins in Feed Crops – INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES

Source: Adisseo via Feedinfo


The issue of mycotoxins is not merely a safety and quality concern but also has substantial economic and environmental impacts. The Food and Agriculture Organization has estimated that 25% of the world’s crops are affected by mycotoxins each year, with annual losses of around 1 billion metric tons of foods and food products. This underscores the urgent need for proactive mycotoxin management measures.

Adisseo, a leader in animal nutrition & health, and Syngenta, a leading agriculture company focused on crop protection and seeds, are joining forces to combat mycotoxin risk across the entire value chain — from the field where crops are grown to the feed produced from them. Syngenta brings its expertise in seed selection, crop management, fungicide applications and digital solutions, while Adisseo focuses on feed mill management, feed formulation, and the deployment of mycotoxin binders and deactivators. Today, we hear from Alain Froment, Head of Food and Feed chain at Syngenta, and Adrien Rivayrand, Head of Feed Integrity at Adisseo, about the value that this partnership will provide to those in the animal nutrition space via Adisseo’s soon-to-launch MycoMan platform.

[Feedinfo] What specifically are the objectives of the partnership between Syngenta and Adisseo on mycotoxins? How does this partnership function? How are the companies stronger together than independently?

[Adrien Rivayrand] Mycotoxins pose a complex issue that starts in the field (90% of mycotoxins develop before harvest) and has consequences on animal and human nutrition and health. The partnership between Syngenta and Adisseo makes sense because it combines our complementary expertise and our respective positions in the value chain (Syngenta upstream and Adisseo downstream). The aim of the partnership is to develop synergies to provide more integrated solutions, thereby strengthening our ability to effectively address the challenges posed by mycotoxins along the entire value chain.

Adrien Rivayrand, Adisseo

Adrien Rivayrand
Head of Feed Integrity

A concrete example of this collaboration is the use by Adisseo's clients of the prediction model developed by Syngenta. Adisseo benefits from Syngenta's expertise on mycotoxins in the field to help its own clients better anticipate, adapt to, and mitigate mycotoxin contamination risks. In return, Adisseo shares mycotoxin analysis in feed with Syngenta to validate predictions and jointly invest in further tools to manage mycotoxin challenges more effectively.

[Feedinfo] Tell me about the predictive model. What information does it offer that previous information about mycotoxin risk was unable to provide? Who is it aimed at?

Alain Froment, Syngenta

Alain Froment
Head of Food and Feed chain

[Alain Froment] Syngenta's predictive model for mycotoxin contamination stands out in the industry due to its comprehensive approach. While many predictive models rely primarily on climatic data and mycotoxin analysis, Syngenta's model goes a step further by incorporating crucial agronomic practices from the field, such as crop rotation, soil cultivation techniques, crop variety, seed and foliar treatments, sowing and harvest timing and key plant vegetation development. This holistic approach provides a more robust understanding of mycotoxin risk factors, offering insights that traditional models may overlook.

For many years Syngenta has collected samples of cereals and corn from across Europe, with data sets of location, weather and agronomy linked to mycotoxin analysis results. This is the wider database of field samples analysis in Europe. From our digital expertise and big data mining with new machine learning techniques we have developed robust and reliable prediction models named Qualimetre®.

Developed over the course of 20 years since 2004, Syngenta's model benefits from extensive experience in modelization, resulting in a high level of accuracy and reliability. For instance, in 2023, the model demonstrated an impressive R2 value of 93% for DON in wheat in France, highlighting its effectiveness in predicting mycotoxin contamination.

This predictive tool is aimed at various stakeholders across the agricultural sector, including farmers, feed manufacturers, and integrators. By providing early insights into mycotoxin contamination, Syngenta's predictive model empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions to safeguard feed quality, animal health, and food safety.

[Feedinfo] What are some of the factors and decisions made at different parts of the value chain that influence the final mycotoxin burden on animals? How does the predictive model aim to lighten this burden?

[Adrien Rivayrand] Mycotoxin issues start in the field and are greatly affected by agronomic practices, as Alain explained. Post-harvest practices, including storage conditions and feed milling processes, also play a crucial role in either mitigating or exacerbating mycotoxin contamination levels in feed ingredients and finished feeds. Ultimately, formulating feeds taking into consideration the mycotoxin contamination can help mitigate risks and reduce the burden on animals. This may involve the use of mycotoxin binders, deactivators, or other advanced solutions to minimize the impact on animal performance and health.

Syngenta's predictive model helps better anticipate and proactively adapt to the mycotoxin risk. For instance, stakeholders can make more informed decisions ahead of time when harvesting and segregating the grain. The predictive model also allows for the adjustment of control plans and the frequency of mycotoxin analyses, as well as the implementation of feed mill management practices and feed formulation strategies.

Adisseo Syngenta mycotoxin infographic


[Feedinfo] What geographies and crops will the predictive model cover in the initial launch? What is the expected timeline for adding further geographies and crops?

[Alain Froment] The predictive model for mycotoxin management is already operational and available in Europe, offering predictions for fumonisins (FUM), zearalenone (ZEA), and deoxynivalenol (DON) for corn, as well as DON for wheat.

Currently, the model is undergoing rollout in North America, specifically in the United States and Canada.

As for future expansions, additional geographies, crops, and mycotoxins are envisioned for inclusion in the model. The rollout plan will likely be influenced by factors such as demand, data availability, and the need for model validation in different regions and for various crops and mycotoxins. Stay tuned for updates as the model continues to evolve and expand its coverage.


[Feedinfo] If I’ve understood correctly, the new predictive model will be offered under Adisseo’s MycoMan suite of mycotoxin-related services. Can you give an overview of MycoMan?

[Adrien Rivayrand] MycoMan is an online platform designed as a one-stop-shop to assist users in mitigating mycotoxin risks effectively.

Here's what customers can expect from this new platform:

1. Dashboard analysis: Users will have access to a dashboard where they can track their mycotoxin analysis data and visualize it in various ways (e.g., by raw material, species, supplier, origin, year over year). This feature allows users to identify trends and make more informed decisions.
2. Risk Assessment System: The platform provides a risk assessment system where users can receive tailored recommendations for mitigation strategies based on their own mycotoxin analysis data. This personalized approach helps users implement targeted interventions to manage mycotoxin risks effectively.
3. Feed Mill Assessment Service: Users can utilize an online questionnaire for self-evaluation of their feed mill's mycotoxin risk management practices. Additionally, the platform offers guidelines for best practices in mycotoxin risk management within feed mills.
4. Global Mycotoxin Prevalence Map: MycoMan includes a map displaying mycotoxin prevalence data on a global scale, showcasing past, current, and future trends in countries where prediction models are available.
5. Resource Library: The platform features a library with a wealth of valuable resources for individuals seeking to understand the challenges posed by mycotoxins in animal nutrition. Drawing inspiration from Mycopedia, the technical reference book for mycotoxins in feed published by Adisseo in 2023, this resource hub offers valuable insights and information.

The MycoMan platform will be officially launched on June 23rd, and anyone can sign up now using the form (HERE) to be notified as soon as it opens. Access is free but some features will be exclusive to Adisseo customers.


[Feedinfo] How long has Adisseo been involved in the mycotoxin services space, and why does Adisseo believe it is an important issue to tackle? What should we be expecting from Adisseo on the mycotoxins issue going forward?

[Adrien Rivayrand] Mycotoxin management is a core component of Adisseo strategy. We empower our customers to safeguard animal performance & health and enhance their operations' efficiency and profitability. True to our motto "in science we trust," we are continually investing in research and development to enhance our solutions, screen for or develop new ingredients of interest, strengthen our service offerings, and adapt to emerging trends. As we move forward, you can expect Adisseo to remain at the forefront of mycotoxin management, providing innovative solutions and expert support to meet the evolving needs of the industry.


Published in association with Adisseo

Feedinfo announcement