Feedinfo Price Reporting Methodology and Assurance Report

Giving you a truly independent, high-quality feed additive price reporting service 

Offering truly independent price reporting for feed additives across global markets, Feedinfo's dedication to transparency and unbiased reporting is recognised in our Type 1 assurance rating for compliance with the Principles for Price Reporting Agencies (PRAs) set out by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). To date, Feedinfo is the only PRA covering the feed additives industry to attain IOSCO assurance. 

What sets Feedinfo apart?

The right connections:

Each week, our analysts contact key market participants throughout the animal nutrition and feed value chain to collect transactional information and other intelligence that may influence a market's direction. Market sources trust Feedinfo to keep information confidential and use it responsibly. This gives us an unmatched market perspective and ensures that our price assessments are robust. 

Rigorous reporting standards:

To ensure that high quality is maintained in Feedinfo's price assessments, our analysts undergo rigorous training. For each vitamin, amino acid or mineral covered, there are multiple analysts who are trained to assess the prices. In addition, we maintain a comprehensive record-keeping system so that the data and reasoning behind each assessment can be reviewed as needed. 

Reliability and flexibility:

Markets evolve and so does our methodology. Our commitment to reliability means we continually review our methodology and procedures to make sure they reflect up-to-date industry practices and are consistently in line with IOSCO criteria, as verified by our external auditor BDO. 

To find out more about the methodology and processes used by Feedinfo in producing our feed additive price reports, please use the links below. 

IOSCO Type 2 Assurance Report

Feedinfo has achieved Type 2 Assurance for compliance with the IOSCO Principles for PRAs. Read the full assurance report from external auditor BDO.

BDO 2022 IOSCO Assurance Report Feedinfo

Price Reporting Methodology

View the full Feedinfo Price Reporting Methodology document here, which outlines our methods and processes for collecting and analysing pricing information for the global feed additives market.

Read Feedinfo's Price Reporting Methodology

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